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Some of you may not be familiar with Alexa so I will fill you in. Alexa is a site that ranks other sites based on the traffic that they receive. The lower the Alexa rank the much more traffic the site gets.

Why is Alexa ranking so essential to bloggers like us? Advertisers use the Alexa rankings to identify whether or not they will advertise on the particular site or not. Your Alexa rank also helps paid review sites decide how much to charge advertisers for a review on your blog. If you have a lower ranking chances are you will get much more provides from advertisers to write a review for them.

If you are like me and treat your blog like a business, improving your Alexa rank ought to be a priority. Some people say that Alexa is not very accurate and biased towards webmasters. This is because they track the visitors through the Alexa toolbar. In other words, the only visitors being tracked by Alexa have their tool bar installed on their web browser. If you are a mommy blogger like I am chances are a good majority of your visitors do not have the toolbar installed.

Webmasters understand the significance of the Alexa toolbar so many of them have it installed in their web browser. here are some suggestions that I’ve learned from researching Alexa rankings on the web.

First thing that you ought to do is install the Alexa toolbar and set your blog as your homepage. next put up an Alexa rank widget on your blog. You ought to also encourage your readers to install the toolbar. Be sure to link to Alexa’s full explanation of the toolbar and tracking system so that they understand the importance.

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If you work in an office or company with multiple computers find out if you can install the Alexa toolbar in all their computers and set your blog as the home page. This will only work if those computers have different IP addresses.

Another terrific way to improve your Alexa rank is to write or blog about Alexa. Webmasters and bloggers love to hear about ways to increase their rankings. You might get much more links to your blog and much more targeted traffic.

Visit webmaster forums and show off your URL. Webmasters typically already have the toolbar installed so they will check out your site.

You can also write content that is related to webmasters. tag your messages domaining and SEO. promote your content on social networking sites and webmaster forums. create a webmaster tools section on your blog. Webmasters will probably check out your site typically to access the tools.[youtube ]Submit your popular blog messages to social networking sites such as Digg and Stumble Upon. encourage your visitors to make your blog their home page. low cost advertising such as pay per click campaigns on search engines like Google or exact seek can also help bring in much more traffic. This is even much more helpful if your ad is attractive to webmasters. You can also enhance those popular messages with an Alexa widget or graph along with the link to your site information on Alexa. use Alexa redirection urls for your internal links. For example mine would be

Create an Alexa category on your blog and list news or articles about Alexa.

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Visit webmaster forums and purchase banner ads, link ads or hire forum posters to post about your blog. You can purchase signatures from them or promote particular articles or material in your site on a regular basis. check out digital point to find posters for hire.

Use Alexa redirect whenever you place your link on another website. Make sure you get your blog noted on as numerous search engines as possible by submitting it to DMOZ. This is the largest human edited directory on the web and is co-branded among hundreds of thousands of sites. It might take up to 5 months before your site is noted so have some patience.

I hope this information helps you to be able to create a company out of your blog like I have. For much more suggestions on how to increase your Alexa ranking check out these terrific articles.

20 quick ways to increase Your Alexa RankIncrease Alexa RankingsAlexa Toolbar and the problem of Experiment Design7 ProvEN -Techniken zur Verbesserung Ihres Alexa -Rankings

Link zu diesem Beitrag: Warum Alexa Rang für Bloggers wesentlich ist


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